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Friday, April 24, 2009
Good times...and photos to boot
![]() Only a few more weeks until the semester is over...I can feel it. We're in the home stretch. That being said, we haven't had much to blog about but we try and squeeze in mini-breaks here and there. I just uploaded the grab bag of photos taken over the last month or so and I thought, even though we don't have a single fabulous event to blog about, some people (read: parents) may want to see these pics. So here they are with equally bite-sized explanations: This week temperatures reached into the 90s. So it was only fitting to put on some sunscreen and head to the local minor league ballpark for some BBQ and baseball. We were in good company with Will, Lisa, and baby Jack joining us for our faux summer night. ![]() With a kid this cute and happy around, we found it a bit hard to focus on the game. On the other hand, Jack's presence also made us super aware of fly balls (yikes!). Also, things are cropping up in the garden (I think this is a pea): My friend Sara had a birthday party before heading off to volunteer in Peru: I made a strawberry short cake...she loves strawberries. We forgot the candles and had to improvise with a piece of paper. ![]() Otherwise, we've been reading, reading, reading, and going to class. Only about three weeks to go and then we can breath! Until then, we'll be here with Santo ;) |
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I used to sit in the cube behind you. Then I didn't. And then we fell in love. Currently
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