Saturday, July 19, 2008
Fridge Art

Just opened an e-mail to find that these good lookin' kids are on the refrigerator at Chris' parent's house (better known in these circles as 307). Also, in the mix is Chris' birthday present from the fam (Scott, Jeni, Jim, and Carol), a photo of the miracle shot that kept KU alive in the NCAA championship, sending them into overtime where they would win.

I love the photo for what it reminds me of: Chris' face turning from hopeless despair to all out joy knowing his team was still in it to win it. Just not quite sure where it will, er, "fit" in apartment with the limited wall space. After all, we don't have a room designated for sports gear and color coordinated for the Cubs just yet :)

Coming full circle on the fridge thread, our refrigerator is similarly decorated with the usual suspects. It may be shocking for those that have painted me as a shutterbug that this is the only place in our apartment with photos of us. That being said we'll be sure to make more memories this weekend with Jim and Carol coming to visit and the big parental meet-up (gulp) about to commence. Stay tuned.

Posted by Kelley at 1:17 PM | 0 comments