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Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
With Chris having to work today, I decided to cook us a mini-feast yesterday. I figured it would be nice to prepare my first turkey when there weren't any guests or real pressure to make it perfect, and it turns out making Thanksgiving dinner isn't that hard. I'll admit, I did cheat a little on the cranberry sauce and rolls (both pre-made), and since it was just the two of us I only made the staples. But it all tasted "just like Mom makes." We're both so thankful for our wonderful family and friends and wish everyone a great turkey day. Hopefully, in some small way, seeing us here enjoying our own Thanksgiving dinner will make it feel like we're there with all of you! Monday, November 24, 2008
Big Game
On Sunday Chris and I joined my friend and UC Berkeley alum Sara for the "Big Game" between Cal and rival Stanford. It's one of those unique-to-the-Bay-Area sporting events that Chris has always wanted to attend and it ended up being really fun since Cal crushed 37-16. We went up a bit early to take in the pre-game scene, which in NorCal fashion ended up being wine and snacks on the campus lawn in the place of a beer and BBQ tailgate. Then it was on to Memorial Stadium for a couple hours of college football. Chris and I started out in our assigned seats, which had a good view of the entire field, but we quickly moved to the young alum seats with Sara. There we sat about four rows up and watched three Cal touchdowns unfold right in front of us. After the game, the entire student and alumni section rushed the field. We waited until it was safe (I didn't want to get trampled) but ended up joining just to see what it was like to be on the field for the celebration. It was a great, sunny day in Berkeley made even better by insider and huge Cal fan Sara as our guide and ticket in. Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Meet Santo
He's about a dozen weeks old, a Snowshoe, we think, and named for the Cubs legend. Very chatty and affectionate, and mellow, but that last one might be a consequence of the cold he's fighting through. Thanks to Kelley's mom, who introduced him to us and is helping to get him better, and, in advance, to Kelley for practicing moderation in ohmygawdhe'sjustawiddleburby posts. Friday, November 14, 2008
Disneyland postgame
Now that we're back in "Adultland" I can share all our pictures and memories from my birthday trip. The four of us (Chris, me, Mom and Ken) kicked off the celebration with a little fondue pre-party in Big Sur before climbing into the car the next morning for a looooong drive. Once we reached Anaheim and Disneyland Drive, some of my best friends (Robin, Brittany, Noah, Scott) met us for pizza in Downtown Disney. Then we crammed in a couple of rides before I was so tired that I felt sick (26 is tough!). One of those first rides was one I couldn't wait to take Chris on: An Indiana Jones jeep adventure that takes you through twists and turns dodging tribal darts, snakes and that huge ball from Raiders of the Lost Ark. It is super fun. The next two days were a blur of fantasy and fun and plenty of good food, including a Gospel Brunch at the House of Blues, dinner at the Blue Bayou (super cool for those who know Disneyland), and lots and lots of ice cream. I think Chris really liked Main Street, the drag leading into the park lined with City Hall, a firehouse and old-fashioned soda shops. He also marveled at how clean everything was. So now our Netflix is full of Disney classics, and Chris has checked off one more California must-do. A successful trip, I think. View a slideshow of all the fun here. Update: I almost forgot to write about the best part of my Disneyland B-day. When you go there for the first time, or it's your birthday or anniversary, they give you a button to wear all day proclaiming just that. So for all of November 9th, strangers and Disney employees all day wished me a happy birthday. And they were so sincere, it was awesome--although Chris felt a little snubbed every time because it sort of overshadowed his "First Visit" button. Friday, November 7, 2008
Disneyland here we come...
This weekend Chris joins my fam and I in another California "kid" tradition: Disneyland! If you're raised in California it is definitely a must to visit The Happiest Place on Earth at least every couple years, and each time I find the desire never fades... even when you're turning 26 (or 30). We're leaving NorCal just in time to miss the first heavy rain of winter and heading to the O.C. to soak up some sun and do our best to avoid "growing up." I can't wait to take Chris on the Indiana Jones ride and watch him revert to being a 10-year-old boy. Pics and stories to come. Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Yes We Cake
We had a bit of fun over here watching the election returns with Super Bowl-like attention--and what a night it was. I think Chris and I both were inspired by (President-elect!!!) Obama's acceptance speech, and I know I'm incredibly proud of our generation for making our voice heard. To critics who regard him as nothing more than a great speaker, I argue that his speeches motivate people to action, and that is an important part of being a leader. I just hope the under-30 crowd that turned out in droves will continue to participate in the political process and make things happen in their communities. Update: Ahhh... ![]() Another update: My cupcakes were posted at the blog Yes We Cake, along with other delightful treats :) Sunday, November 2, 2008
We Like to Eat
And specifically, I'm becoming quite the baker. However, I'm not the best at finding recipes for two or a few and usually end up with a surplus. Luckily, Chris doesn't consider having a dozen cupcakes or a batch of cookies a problem. While I'm doing my best Martha impression, Chris usually is watching me juggle three dishes, and he has this very appreciative look of awe when I somehow pull it together in to what looks like dinner. Don't get the wrong idea: Chris is very helpful and tries his hand at a little cooking here and there. But the juggling part, that is another story. A week or two ago Chris thoughtfully decides he is going to make dinner while I'm at class and have it ready for when I get home. 'Sounds good to me,' I think, and off I go. When I get home a few hours later I walk in to the apartment and a smoky kitchen, and poor Chris just looks at me and says, "Help." It was the cutest thing. The cooking method he chose for the chicken wasn't exactly easy or working, so we scrapped that and vowed to work on his multitasking skills. Turns out that while I was making dinner for myself in college, Chris was buying Subway sandwiches, so he just needs a little practice. But we'll practice together. |
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I used to sit in the cube behind you. Then I didn't. And then we fell in love. Currently
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