Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Giants Home Opener

With all the excitement surrounding Kansas winning the NCAA tourney, I haven't had a chance to post about what we did earlier that day, which was attend the Giants' home
opener. I can't say we watched much of the game (and what a game it was; the Giants lost 8-4 to the Padres), but we had a great time wandering around the park with our friends Tiffany and Chris (Grandstaff).

As of tonight the Giants are 3-6, and from the looks of it, it's gonna be a long season. But hey, I can always jump on that Fukudome bandwagon. The Cubs are on a four-game winning streak.

(Shhhhhh. Don't worry, Dave Roberts, I still heart you.)

Go Giants!

Posted by Kelley at 11:20 PM | 0 comments